begin your journey
"In a fast-paced world that disconnect us from our real self, we inspire and empower people to reconnect with their wild side to live authentically and in harmony with themselves and the natural world."
the project

What is Namastribe

Namastribe is a community that connects people and professionals that are passionate about the transformative power of movement, mindfulness, nature, and their infinite possibilities. Through outdoor experiences and inspiring workshops, Namastribe wants to inspire people to live a mindful and healthy lifestyle.

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Our experiences

Through our contents, events and experiences, we provide our community with opportunities to connect with like-minded people and enrich their holistic journeys.

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Introducing ourselves

Our team began with a shared passion for nature, outdoor sports and yoga.
Over time, we've grown into a group of dedicated professionals who use our unique talents and skills to empower our community.
On our blog, you'll find the stories of our team and how our deep passions for a more connected life helped us live with a more balanced and happier mindset.

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Ci presentiamo


Namastribe è qualcosa che rappresenta i nostri sogni e la nostra natura: condividere esperienze outdoor, viaggiare, fare nuove esperienze e conoscenze!
Scoprire il mondo e i suoi paesaggi, fare yoga, surf, snowboard, MTB, arrampicata e moooolto altro!

Introducing ourselves


Namastribe is an endeavor that captures our dreams and our personalities: sharing outdoor adventures, traveling, expanding our experiences and knowledge!  Discovering the outdoors of Ligurian, Italy, Sardinia and Spain, doing yoga, surfing, snowboarding, MTB, climbing and sooo much more!

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